There’s a few things that might just surprise you about regular supermarket cleaning products, even the ones that claim they’re “natural” or “green”.
Sure, they’re easy to reach for during your weekly shop, perfect to drop in the trolley along with the milk and toilet paper. They might be the convenient option, because each product has one specific job to do, and tells you so on the label. If you’re going to buy just one product a week, they’re also not going to break the bank.
But despite their convenience, and alluring claims, regular supermarket products are not great for you.
Common ingredients in household cleaning products include surfactants, builders, solvents, preservatives, synthetic fragrances and colourings.
What’s more worrying, is that there’s rules protecting the companies that make these products.
In New Zealand manufacturers of household cleaners aren’t actually required to disclose exactly what’s in their products.
Current regulations require chemicals with certain hazardous classifications to be listed on the label only, yes only, if they’re present above prescribed levels*. What does ‘prescribed levels’ even mean?
This is also the reason you’ll find lists of unpronounceable and complex ingredients on the back of products, and of course we have no idea what any of them do.
But, we get it. Supermarket cleaning products are a convenient choice.
But does ‘convenient’ make them the right choice for you and your family?
For our family, we decided it wasn’t.
From the start, Santosa decided that all our products were going to be made with simple ingredients – that being, only ones you’ve heard of and can pronounce.
We’re also proud to be transparent about the ingredients we use, making it super clear to see what goes into each of our products. Plus, all our ingredients are natural, and wherever possible, organic.
Above all, our products are made with our family in mind. So you can trust, that our products are not only kinder to the planet, but safe for you and those you care about.